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Shoushan Zoo Official Website Ticket Purchase Notice
  • 禁止攜帶寵物(導盲犬除外)、禁止騎腳踏車、滑板車、獨輪車、直排輪。
  • No pets allowed (except guide dogs). No bicycles, scooters, unicycles, or rollerblades allowed.
  • 動物園全面禁菸、請勿餵食動物、嚴禁跨越欄杆、嚴禁騷擾動物、拍照請關閃光燈。
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the zoo. Please do not feed the animals. Crossing the railings is strictly prohibited. Harassing the animals is strictly prohibited. Please turn off the flash when taking photos.
  • 購票日期為今日(含)至後2週之時段,每日分為上午及下午場次,若當日額滿請選擇其他日期,非預約日無法入園;動物園開放時間:09:00-17:00(週一及除夕休園,週一如遇連續假日則正常開園)。若為特殊節假日或連續多日之假期,將另行公告開放預約購票時段
  • The reservation date is from today (inclusive) to the next 2 weeks. Each day is divided into morning session and afternoon session. If the day is fully booked, please choose another date. You cannot enter the park on non-reserved days; zoo opening hours: 09:00-17:00 00 (the park is closed on Mondays and New Year's Eve, and the park will open normally in case of consecutive holidays on Mondays)
  • 購票日期選擇完成後,建議立即進行購票及付款,若未完成購票付款,其預約資格僅保留至當日午夜24時,隔日將取消預約紀錄,並請重新預約。
  • After selecting the reservation date, please purchase and pay for the ticket. If the payment for the ticket is not completed, the reservation qualification is only reserved until 24:00 midnight of the day, and the reservation record will be canceled the next day, and please make a new reservation.
  • 官網購票者完成購票後,請於入園當日至動物園大門處「自動售/取票機」取票,取票後票券如有遺失、被盜用、破毀或無法辨識等情形,恕不補發須重新預約購票。
  • After completing the ticket purchase, please go to the "automatic ticket vending machine" at the gate of the zoo to pick up the ticket on the day of admission. If the ticket is lost, stolen, damaged or unrecognizable after picking up the ticket, it will not be reissued and must be re-booked ticket.
  • 退票最晚於入園當日至官網退票(其他購票通路請至原購票通路退票),若退票日超過(晚於)入園日期,票券視為無效,無法退票。
  • Tickets can be refunded on the official website on the day of admission at the latest (for other ticket purchase channels, please go to the original ticket purchase channel for refund). If the refund date is later than (later) the admission date, the ticket will be deemed invalid and cannot be refunded.
  • 動物園現場不受理官網退票、換票
  • The zoo does not accept refunds or exchanges on site.
  • 退票需整筆訂單退票(無法單張退票),若需更改,建議整筆訂單退票後,再重新預約購票。
  • Refunds must be made for the entire order, not individual tickets.
  • 官網購票每人每筆最多可購買6張,請依適合票種持票入園(壽山動物園票種說明)
  • Tickets purchased on the official website can be purchased up to 6 tickets per transaction per person. Please enter the park with the ticket according to the appropriate ticket type(Shoushan Zoo ticket type description)
  • 使用本服務即表示已閱讀並同意壽山動物園購票規則
  • By using this service, you have read and agreed to the ticket purchase rules of Shoushan Zoo(壽山動物園)
  • 壽山動物園購票官網使用信用卡刷卡付款,並依「聯合信用卡中心公務機關繳費平台」所簽約之信用卡 (查詢可使用之信用卡),且不接受國外發行的信用卡。 
  • Only Taiwan-issued credit cards are accepted.